As soon as you decide to enter any competition, time itself seems to accelerate and the laws of physics no longer apply.
This most definitely applies to the UKBC as it seems only a few days ago we entered, and having now competed it’s a bit of a blur. In reality
For the uninitiated the experience is incredible and for the coffee lover it’s almost a must. Watching people pour drinks and get points sounds a little plain but the atmosphere can be electric and this is just the heats. I decided for my own reasons that if I entered this year that we would shut the shop for the day under the guise of staff training and allow all those who wished to attend the ability to do so.
The feedback from the team was that while they were expecting to enjoy the day, they were unprepared for how tense and exciting the whole experience would be.
Better than paint balling for a team building experience that’s for sure.
With the effort I put in I was expecting not to bring shame to my little empire and confidence has never been a downfall of mine but I was a little stunned to Win, and I did not have a clue especially as I had seen only glimpses of the other performances.
They announce the top 3 in reverse order and I was reliably informed that Duncan had also done well and scored into the top 6 …… he was beaming and happy , given he had not even seen a heat before I think he did amazing. On a daily basis in the shop he turns out quality stuff with pride and is the most motivated quality driven guy I have ever seen when it comes to coffee.
Winning the heat has been wonderful and what was once a desire just not to be embarrassed has now turned into a realisation that with hard work and lots of practise the actual title itself may even now be possible if the gods are willing and all that.
I still have not worked out if it’s a blessing or a curse to be honest ……….. Guess the motto of the story is if you poke your head above the parapet; don’t be surprised if you get shot at.
The event is incredible and for the warmth and spirit of coffee based kinship the venue is a must if you just enjoy coffee never mind visit websites about it. See you next yearJ.
(Pictures by Blog- Mentness)
Nice insight mate. You both did excellently well :)
I can only say it again: very well done Barry, congratulations! And great to see you blogging :)
Congrats Barry and Duncan :D ..although..why am I not surprised ;)
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